Does your career require you maintain a good credit rating? Are your financial problems only short term? Informal Arrangements offer debt relief without public records or the restrictions of more formal options.
Stop the collection calls, freeze all interest, and get completely free from debt without filing for Bankruptcy by making flexible, affordable payments with a Formal Debt Agreement.
When the bills are piling up, the collection calls are coming in, and there’s no way you can pay everything you owe, filing for Bankruptcy can offer you a fresh start.
Let us know what kind of debts you have and how much you owe so we can help you choose the debt solution in Australia that’s right for you.
We’ll let you know your options, the advantages and disadvantages, review debt consolidation, and make recommendations on which is best for getting you free from debt fast.
When you’re ready to get started, we’ll help you fill out any paperwork and make necessary arrangements to guide you through your process of finding debt relief.
Struggling with high interest rates? We can help you freeze or eliminate them.
Let’s reduce your interest rates and lower your monthly payments.
Keep the power on and phones connected even if you’re falling behind.
Worried you’ll lose your home? You may be able to reduce your payments without needing to sell.
We can help you reduce your penalties and lower your interest rates so payments become affordable again.
Still owe the Australian Tax Office – ATO? Let’s help you pay them back.
Contact Us Today for Your Free, No Obligations Consultation